Information Technology Acronyms Explained

Did you know that I.T. stands for information technology? Barf! Why is that the that the acronym we use when we need computer support? Oh, having a problem with your computer? Call I.T. !

In my blog today, I will share the most common acronyms we use in the computer and network support industry so you’ll be able to understand a tech that is coming at you in a foreign language.

Obvious Acronyms

An obvious acronyms is one where identifying the words results that no further explanation is required.

  • ISP – Internet Service Provider

  • DB – Database

  • CRM – Customer Relationship Management

  • DMS – Document Management System

  • OS – Operating System

Everyday Acronyms

Everyday acronyms are the ones that are so commonly used that we kind of know what they mean, but maybe we don’t know what the actual letters stand for.

  • CPU – Central Processing Unit. A CPU is the main micro chip of a computer, and is usually measured in GHz speed. The faster the CPU, the faster the computer, but doesn’t always correspond to GHz.

  • RAM – Random Access Memory. RAM is the memory in your computer that allows it to store super fast accessible data. More RAM also typically makes your computer faster.

  • HDD – Hard Disk Drive. A hard drive is how we used to store data over time, super cheap compared to RAM, and stayed stored when your computer turned off. This is obsolete technology, replaced by SSD. See the next section.

  • WiFi – Wireless Fidelity. WiFi is a mostly meaningless acronym for wireless networking.

  • IP – Internet Protocol. IP actually refers to a broad spectrum of standards that help us communicate through the internet. However, we often shorten internet protocol address, or IP address, to IP. Your IP address identifies your computer, phone, printer, etc. on a network.

  • LAN – Local Area Network. A local area network is the network in your office or home. There is typically a router or firewall that separate your LAN from the WAN.

  • WAN – Wide Area Network. WAN refers to the network, or internet, outside of your home or office. The network that you are not in control of.

Not Obvious Acronyms

These acronyms are new, some should not be used at all.

  • SSD – Solid State Disk. This is modern computer data storage. An SSD is not dependent on magnetics or mechanical parts to store data. They are much faster than an HDD and much more reliable.

  • MFA – Multifactor Authentication. MFA refers to a modern method of authentication, adding a randomly generated one-time password to the more familiar username and password. Other acronyms to refer to a similar format of modern authentication are 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) and OTP (One Time Password).

  • MSP – Managed Service Provider. MSP is quite possibly the worst acronym born in the computer support industry. It refers to the idea that technology support providers manage various things on your behalf. Yes, we do that, but MSP could refer to any number of industries. It could be for building management, or road maintenance, but I.T. services providers made an even more innocuous acronym.

  • PSA – Professional Services Automation. A PSA is software specifically designed for industry, to help you provide your service to your customer better and faster. There are several for I.T. service providers, and you can find them for accountants, lawyers, automotive mechanics, plumbers, electricians, doctors, health care providers, etc. If you don’t have a PSA designed for your industry, maybe you should.

  • I.o.T. – Internet of Things. IoT refers to the multiplicity of networked devices that didn’t used to be networked. For example your car, refrigerator, toothbrush, doorbell, security cameras,

That is probably enough acronyms for today, June 4th, 2021. Maybe I’ll update this list in the future. If I do, you’ll know, because I’ll will write it below.


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