What Pluto Micro Does Different


I’m not a big fan of the idea of Unique Selling Proposition, there are thousands or perhaps millions of similar insert-name-of-business-type-here companies out there.  Why should we think that we are so special that we are entirely unique from the others in our category or industry?

Furthermore, to claim uniqueness suggests and that there is a scarcity of available customers and dollar revenue and so we must set ourselves apart from the next business in our industry.  I don’t believe that.

I think it should be an Intentional Selling Proposition.  ISP, not to be confused with Internet Service Provider.  Let’s be intentional about why we sell, how we sell, and what we sell.

The Intentional Selling Proposition of Pluto Microbusiness

A potential customer asked me last week what we do different, and when I sat down to write it, I wrote the section above.  So the question becomes, what does Pluto Micro do intentionally?

We market exclusively to micros businesses (solopreneurs, micro teams, small non-profits, small businesses with 20 or fewer people).  We focus on core business driven systems and processes.  We enable and support our customers via information technology.

Marginalized Businesses

The business we were partners in, prior to Pluto Micro, would take accept businesses of all sizes.  Then that business fired 30 little customers because they were too small and annoying.

Micro businesses, as we call them, often get the short end of the stick, so to speak.  However, in our primary market, there are 40,000 micros.  We market our services intentionally to micros.  This intentionality guides us in what services we provide and recommend.  If a micro wouldn’t buy it, or can’t afford it, then we don’t sell it.

Core Business Processes

In every business, there are 5 common core business processes.  They are accounting, marketing, legal, business process, and I.T.  All of these, to some degree or another, rely on information technology to be executed properly.  We intentionally seek out, provide, and/ or recommend services in these 5 areas that will be of benefit to our customers, whether they are a business of 1 or 20.

I.T. Support

Information Technology makes the world go ‘round, and it makes business go ‘round.  We love helping our customers with their I.T. needs.  Even more, we love teaching our customers how to solve their own I.T. problems and use technology to improve their business.

Our intention is to do these three things to the best of our ability.  We believe that there is plenty of business to go around, even if another business in our category has the exact same intention.


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