The Micro Advantage

There are reasons why 75% of Canadian businesses are micro (10 people or less), these reasons are the Micro Advantage.  Some are more obvious than others.

Less Hurdles

Got skills, will travel!  It doesn’t take much to start a micro business.  In fact, one can decide today that they would like to sell a service or a widget they have or make, and boom, they are in business.  They don’t need to have a special business name, tax ID, or logo; and they can experience all the tax write offs that any other business does.  Yes, eventually they will have to file business taxes, but the initial hurdles to starting a business are small, less paperwork upfront than starting a new job.

More Control, More Freedom

One of the biggest hurdles to doing what you love, or doing what you’ve trained to do, is a boss.  When you are the boss, you decide what services to sell, when to take a break and when to work, and what resources you need to acquire or not acquire to get the job done.

More Net

You get to keep all of the profit.  All of us went to school, and we can do the math.  We know how much we are selling our widgets for, and we know how much its costs to make them.  So where is all that profit going?  When you own the shop, the profit goes into your pocket.

Less Taxes

When you make a profit, the government wants their piece.  In Canada, an active micro business pays roughly 10% tax, as opposed to 40%.  A micro business owner, depending on how they structure their remuneration, can also pay significantly less personal tax, compared to an employee.  This is a huge advantage.


Agility may be the greatest advantage of the micro.  On a dime we can change direction or stop; you can’t do that with 100 employees, or even 25.  We can easily add a service to our portfolio without multiple levels of vetting; what takes a medium, or even a small company months to turn around, a micro business can do it in a day.

Are you using the Micro Advantage? Pro Tip: you don’t have to be a micro business to use the Micro Advantage, you use it by engaging micro’s around you. For example, when you cater your next lunch, use a micro catering company, they’ll be faster, yummier, and easier to work with. The same goes for accounting, legal, marketing, and I.T.

The Pluto Advantage is that we, over the last twenty years, have been micro, have grown out it, and now we’re coming back to it. We know what its like. More importantly we know exactly how to make your Mac or PC do its job so you can do yours.


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