Why Managed I.T. Services?

Having a Managed Service is when the responsibility for a critical component of an organization is outsourced. Managed I.T. Services is the practice of outsourcing the responsibility for proactive maintenance and monitoring of computers, networks, and servers.
Managed I.T. Services create a change in the overall philosophy of the way a business deals with its technology. Break-fix repair relies on waiting until servers, desktops, or other critical devices fail, then rushing to fix them as productivity and profits are lost. A business operating under managed services, however, focuses on prevention rather than reaction, monitoring and resolving issues before they disrupt employees, management, and clients.
Many micro businesses don’t have the resources to effectively manage their ever-growing networks. It is so easy to fall behind with important things such as backups, patches, updates, and security, and this greatly increases the odds that you’ll face an I.T. outage or other huge issue that will negatively affect business.

Advantages of Managed I.T. Services with Pluto Micro:

Increased Productivity: Continuous insight into your network lets us reduce the business impact of I.T. failure by shortening the time from network failure to issue resolution.

Reduced Business Impact from I.T. Failures: Combining preventative maintenance and remote monitoring means we minimize hardware failures that could impact your business.

Reduced Network Downtime Through Proactive Maintenance: Through regular, preventative maintenance activities designed to keep your network operating efficiently, we reduce the number of emergency incidents you encounter. Your network behaves in a stable and reliable manner.

Check out Pluto’s Managed Service Plans, Pluto Protect and Pluto Network & Wifi here!

With managed services in I.T., business owners no longer have to worry about data loss or computer problems; these are handled by experts and relieve owners to worry about what really matters to them – running the business.


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