What is Patch Management Anyways?

When you ask an IT specialist what one thing has the biggest impact on how well your computer runs, and its longevity, the typical answer is Patch Management. I asked the IT guy that I live with to explain to me what patch management is, and the response was basically, it’s when you update patches on a regular basis. Ok, that is helpful, not at all! I have done a little more digging so I could figure out for myself what “patch” is code for.

Here’s what I found.  A patch is an update to a previously installed program.  It’s like when we download the update to an app we have on our phone or tablet.  I get that, my app stops loading so I go to the app store and get the latest version that runs better and has fewer flaws.  Patch Management is the process of knowing what programs and applications you are running on your system, which of those have available updates, and then safely installing those updates.

So why do we have to worry about always having the latest patch?  What if we are satisfied with our slightly tattered jeans just the way they are.  Well, maybe the term patch makes sense here after all. As we all know technology is constantly evolving, and if a developer was to wait until they had perfected every aspect of a product to release it, nothing would ever get released. So, products are released when they are viable, and then constantly improved by the developer as they find flaws and discover how to make improvements.  Unfortunately, some of those flaws are like little holes that allow something from the exterior to get into your system. And there is an entire community/industry that chooses to waste their lives finding ways to exploit those holes.  We need to patch them up!

The most installed PC operating system is Windows 10, with 400 million installations and counting, and it is riddled with insecurities. It makes sense that the bad guys focus their efforts here because every hole they discover provides over 400 million potential victims! Don’t despair the good guys are also constantly scrutinizing the software for those same weaknesses, and when they find a gap, they develop a patch that will cover it up. It starts with the most basic of your basic computer defense strategies; antivirus. Antivirus programs are designed to cover up as many of these weak and exposed areas of your operating system as possible. As you add further layers of patches to all the programs running on that system, and most importantly keep them updated, your computer becomes more secure.

If you are anything like me, it would be a major undertaking just to identify every software and application that is currently on your computer; making the issue of patch management too complicated and impractical to attempt on your own.

At Pluto Micro we let our customers decide what level of patch management they need or want.  If all you want is basic antivirus, we will set you up with one that will be continually updated. What is the minimum level of support we recommend? It is called Pluto Protect and includes antivirus, internet filtering, and patch management.  It’s a small investment that, at the very least, will help your computer live a long productive life, and at most, will save you thousands of dollars in ransomware resolution. 

Do yourself a favour and learn to love Patches!


Micro is the New Small


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